At least we’re getting some good stories out of it!

I keep thinking how nice it would be to have a second or three to blog, because I want to talk about the books I’ve read recently, post about Maeve’s baptism and Easter and all that. BUT, I’ve got myself an 8 week old who is really starting to wake up to the world and needs a whole lot of soothing to get down for naps and sleep and gets ANGRY if I miss the window. [I had to go back and reread relevant parts of the baby sleep book and remind myself that at this age babies are just going to start fighting sleep and they can really only sustain themselves awake for two hours at the max. You’d think I would really have all this newborn stuff down by now, but nope.]

So instead, maybe I will just regale you with recent tales of life around here, such as the time where I unknowingly washed AND DRIED a peed-in diaper of Maeve’s, and was perplexed when the whole load came out covered in tiny white balls that clung to every surface. Then I found the culprit in the bottom of the dryer. Or how about the time when I thought it would be a good idea to resume potty training Lucy by putting her in undies and trying to have her sit on the potty randomly throughout the day (read: frantically set alarms and try to get her on there before an accident, while toting the poor newborn)? That was pretty dumb and now I’m once again waiting until … some unknown time in future when she’ll magically “be ready” as everyone keeps saying.

My favorite moment, though, has to be one last week that was the crowning glory on a string of particularly brutal days. The girls had just come in and were covered in a thick layer of sandbox sand. I was wearing a finally-sleeping Maeve in the Ergo. Lucy was in her undies and I had forgotten to have her sit on the potty in a while (probably because each potty-sit was completely fruitless). Lucy went into the bathroom to wash the sand off her hands while Lena bee-lined for the stairs. Lena tripped, and landed with the side of her face into the bottom stair. So of course, she started to scream, right into the baby’s face in my Ergo, who then answered back with screams of her own. About two seconds later, Lucy emerged from the bathroom and laughed nervously while looking very sheepishly at me. It soon became clear that her hand-washing had elicited the potty response, right as she stood on her stool in her undies and pants. So, holding a sobbing, injured toddler on my hip, with an angry baby in the Ergo, I led a wet toddler by the hand upstairs. Administered arnica to Lena (still screaming), cleaned up pee on the floor and got Lucy into dry clothes, and meanwhile tried not to let Maeve’s (still screaming) head dangle out the Ergo as I was bending over. It was all pretty hilarious really, and I somehow managed to realize that and laugh (a nervous, maniacal cackle, probs, but laughter nonetheless).

Three kids three and under is kicking my butt (if only that were considered valid exercise!). And yet, here I am living to tell (and mostly enjoy) the tales.

(But this pretty accurately sums up how I feel by about noon most days!)

Lucy is 3!

Somehow, it is already Lucy’s third birthday. Her crazy birth and her rather difficult first couple months of life seem way more recent than that. Yet here we are, with this talkative, imaginative little pixie, with bouncing red curls. Plus two more children.


THREE (going on four, I guess-).jpg

Likes: books (especially obsessed, and I mean OBSESSED, with the Frog and Toad series), playing with her Playmobils and baby dolls, coloring and drawing (especially pictures of the family), play dough, going on “trips” and “adventures” (i.e. the grocery store, Target, library, Nana’s house…keepin’ those expectations low around here!), ANYTHING outdoors but especially her new sandbox, watching Daniel Tiger or Winnie the Pooh while Mommy attempts to shower, and last but very much not least, her paci (still. I know).

Dislikes: napping, cleaning up, trying to use the potty or even think about using the potty, attempting to dress herself, and being asked to leave her paci in her bed during the day.

Milestones: recites grace before meals and the prayer for the faithful departed, and would probably be able to recite large chunks of the prayers of the rosary in both English and Latin if pressed; sleeps in her big girl bed; can open all the doors (blegh); can put on boots and strap shoes (but somehow never when we’re in an actual rush to go somewhere…); washes her hands in the sink independently; can pour water from a pitcher into a glass cup and drink it (this is something I only let her do when I am not holding or distraced by the baby because it can quickly devolve into water play0; brushes her teeth quite well independently; puts the paci back in Maeve’s mouth (and only rarely takes it out of there!); draws faces with eyes and mouths and babies with little bodies …. there is probably more but since we’re missing the really awesome milestones of potty trained and independently dressing oneself, I will stop there.

Lucy had a great birthdway weekend with a little celebration at my parents, lots of gifts, balloons,  and a cake that she could hardly wait to have. On Sunday we went out to District Taco for a birthday dinner, and on her actual birthday she got to blow out candles again on cupcakes, and open some more gifts.


I should’ve gotten 5 of these silly balloons!


Opening the most perfect gift of stuffed Frog and Toad



Lots of cousins and a sister to help with the gifts!


Almost a family snap


Lena appropriates the gifts


…and loves the doll that’s almost as big as she is


Leo loved the balloon!


Lucy is three!


Happy Birthday, Lucy! We love you and can’t wait to see what THREE brings!

Maeve Cecilia!

I’m just going to admit it now– Maeve will probably never have a physical baby book. A virtual one may be all she ever gets, and so I figured I better start getting on top of the whole recording milestones and memories.

Here we go!


February 21, 2016 at 40 weeks and 5 days (comfy in there, huh?) at 9:55 ish AM (no, we don’t know the exact time. More on that below).

Weight: 7 lbs. 14 oz

Length: 20 inches


The whole birth story is very exciting and very short. I’ll do it full justice, soon. Like sometime when the killer combo of spring allergy+newborn night-waking exhaustion aren’t destroying me. Stay tuned!

But really, we are doing well and surviving these first several weeks with our sanity fairly well intact. This is only due to the fact that we’re riding on a gentle sea of very kind people’s prayers, meals delivered, and help given. It’s been a staggeringly generous outpouring of help, some from people who literally do not know us (thanks to a genius ministry at one of our parishes where people sign up to bring meals to new moms). I can’t even begin to describe my gratitude, but it’s profound.


I made pretty good on my promise to stay in bed for a week. I made it about 4 full days, which was how long the girls stayed at my parents’, and when they came home I was feeling pretty strong and well enough to go downstairs for meals and stuff. The most crucial thing though, was having the older kids completely out of the house those first few days. It allowed both Tom and I to just sleep and then him to take care of just me, so I could really eat and drink and recover well. Plus the girls had a blast and lots of attention before coming home to the new babe…


And the adjusting to a new sibling has been interesting, between the aggressive “hugs”/body slams from Lena, the licking of her head (again, Lena), the *mostly* gentle and sweet attention from Lucy, and all the lovely behavior regression and acting-out from both girls. But overall they’re both pretty obsessed with “Baby Maeve” and love her to (almost literal) pieces.


As with every newborn, this stage whizzes by SO quickly, which makes me sad every time. I LOVE the newborn stage, despite the exhaustion and chaos. I love the curled up fists, the little limbs that flail wildly when you change their diapers, the grunts, whinnies, and snorts, the tiny little mouth searching desperately for food. So worth it all!

That’s all we’ve got time for today. I have a dinner that I actually have to make myself and a baby that’s bound to wake up the moment I turn the stove on. 🙂 Promise I’ll be back the next moment I have two hands again!