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Seven Recent Reads/Shows

It’s Friday!! And I’m gearing up for a solo weekend with the girls while Tom flies to his younger brother’s graduation. I will readily admit how wimpy I am about solo parenting, but, armed with a lot of coffee and a bottle of wine, I should be just fine, and I will choose not to care about the state I’m sure the house will be in by the time Tom returns. Also, perspective is everything, right– all I need to do is think about this mom of QUAD babies (!) and/or watch an episode of Victorian Slum House when things are getting bad and life will suddenly seem rosy!

Like I said the other day, one of the best parts about less social media has been a lot more reading. It actually is the perfect antidote to all the crazed distraction that smartphone use breeds: you have to sit in one spot while you read, you have to actually focus on ALL the words on the page if you actually want to follow the story or the thought, there are no distracting images (well, beautiful picture books excepted), and you have no chance of clicking over to an entire other story/post/whatever and thus losing the original story thread you picked up.

So I thought I’d tap out a few highlights of what I/we have read in the last 7 months or are currently reading, but also some good stuff we’ve watched. (Is it just me, or are the streaming options lately just abysmal?!?).

Books (links are affiliate!)

1.Till We Have Faces– C.S. Lewis

This was a reread for me for book club, but it is a story that is so well-crafted and sticks with you.

2. The Power and the Glory – Graham Greene

I could not believe Tom hadn’t read this yet, so I made him read it with me over the winter. I consider it required reading for 21st century Catholics. Greene pretty much mastered the portrayal of the struggling sinner who is nonetheless called to do something beyond himself. If you like Brideshead Revisited, you must read this!!

3. Consider This by Karen Glass

This is a really wonderfully written and accessible book explaining how Charlotte Mason fits into the sphere of classical education. (I told you I’ve been totally geeking out on education lately!). Even if you have no interest in Charlotte Mason or classical education (though I strongly recommend you look into her work if you’re in the education/homeschool world), this will be very inspiring just on teaching, learning, and education in general.


4. A Serious of Unfortunate Events (Netflix). This goes under Funny, Well-Acted, Well-Produced. It was just really fun to watch, the cast is perfect, and we are really looking forward to the next season.

5. To Walk Invisible (PBS). We were reading Wuthering Heights together when we watched this, so it was apropos. It was hard to understand, what with the accents, but was fascinating (and depressing in some ways) to see how the Bronte sisters developed into the most famous sisterly band of writers.

6. The Crown (Netflix). We watched this when it came out, just like every other person, I’m sure. We enjoyed it overall though. Claire Foy was literally perfect as the Queen, and the story seemed to be presented accurately.

7. We have sort of started this Turkish period drama, Kurt Seyit and Sura (Netflix), but we’ll see how long we stick with it (maybe it will pick up in future episodes).

Well, that brings me to 7, and so I’ll just link-up with Kelly and the Quick-Takers here, and call it a night.

As always, tell me what you’re reading or watching (and hopefully save us some time scanning Netflix/Prim to try and find something decent!)

7 thoughts on “Seven Recent Reads/Shows

  1. We just finished To Walk Invisible and I agree- definitely depressing but fascinating. It makes me really want to go visit their house!

    Also, Tim has gone away for two or three sibling graduations and still has one brother in college 😳…I’m glad he supports them, but man, solo parenting is not easy!!

    • I would love to see it too!!

      Thankfully, this is Tom’s only younger sibling. He does short trips a couple times a year for school but usually, I take refuge at my parents’! They’re out of town too though 😛 But I’m hoping to fly out to a cousin’s wedding this summer, so the tables will be turned! 😉

  2. Thank you for the book recommendations; I’ve been curious about both the Lewis and Greene.

    I would recommend PBS’s Victoria if you haven’t seen it.

    • I was almost finished with Victoria but now it’s no longer onPBS…. :/ Guess I’ll have to wait till it’s on Netflix or the library gets it.

  3. We’ve been watching The Doctor Blake Mysteries on Netflix. We both love mysteries, and this is very interesting and well acted, in my opinion. Australian doctor consults with (and frequently annoys) local police force. He’s a former POW from the Pacific theatre of WWII, so there is a lot of interesting character development stemming from that. And so far there are no steamy sex scenes… WE SHALL SEE how long that lasts, haha.

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